insiden happen yesterday afternoon.
melenggang kangkung to my car lepas office hour.. around 5.40pm. masuk lam kancil. nampak dah ada sebijik wira yg ada banyak kesan geseran. parking dekat giler kat blakang kancil.kiri kanan ada satria plak tuh. gilos.
gostan sana....gostan sini.. tak lepas jugak weh.. kalo di paksa..mau bertambah make up kat wira tu. padan muka wira tuh la. tapi kang aku plak nak kena secepat mungkin gi cat baru kereta yg patut di cat baru since 2 tahun lepas.
EHEM...EHEM... bilo nei nak antar kancil masuk spital????? cat baru.. overhaul...
dok lam keta 5 minit. eh.. membazir minyak la plak. terus call cik abang. soh dia balik cepat ambik budak2.
masuk la ke opis balik.
godek2 PC sebab anti-virus PC nih cam dah biul. cek kat uia website..takdok anti-virus baru lagi...deym.
donlod je la free anti-virus. took almost 1 hour hoh nak install.. lembab gila! musti dah beriok virus lam PC nih.
kol 7pm siap install.. run trus virus cek. kol 7.05 blah dari ofis.
wira tu ada lagi kat belakang! celako! sesia je jadi warga university. dah tau nak balik lambat tu pehal la pegi blok kereta orang. bodoh sombong nyer orang!
sib baik la kereta sebelah dah blah. bleh la kluar.
sampai rumah... satu rumah kena sembur...ekekekekeke.. hati tengah boiling. sampai terus tido tak makan2.
bangun pagi kebulur hadap satay.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
wishing all selamat hari raya!
planning utk balik kampung hari Ahad. Raya Isnin... Selasa cuti umum lagi.. khamis pun cuti umum. end up apply 2 hari je annual leave. seronok...seronok.
but then... semalam dapat new instruction..petang ni kena naik ke Lumut lagi... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
bihtu..bila nak balik kampung nya??????? dah la cik abang tak bleh cuti ari Jumaat. takkan la nak balik KL hari sabtu then hari ahad travel lagi ke kampung...letiiiiiiiiiiih
after discusn... cik abang akan datang Lumut ari Sabtu.. then balik kampung...hehehehe..penat belah dia la pulak. dah tu dia yg suggest cam tu...
stitching progress???? non ado!
tgh mengidap penyakit M kuasa seribu.. last buat yg post hari tu la.. pehtu..dok pandang jeling2 je..
eeeeeeeeeee...bila la nak datang rajin balik ni
planning utk balik kampung hari Ahad. Raya Isnin... Selasa cuti umum lagi.. khamis pun cuti umum. end up apply 2 hari je annual leave. seronok...seronok.
but then... semalam dapat new instruction..petang ni kena naik ke Lumut lagi... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
bihtu..bila nak balik kampung nya??????? dah la cik abang tak bleh cuti ari Jumaat. takkan la nak balik KL hari sabtu then hari ahad travel lagi ke kampung...letiiiiiiiiiiih
after discusn... cik abang akan datang Lumut ari Sabtu.. then balik kampung...hehehehe..penat belah dia la pulak. dah tu dia yg suggest cam tu...
stitching progress???? non ado!
tgh mengidap penyakit M kuasa seribu.. last buat yg post hari tu la.. pehtu..dok pandang jeling2 je..
eeeeeeeeeee...bila la nak datang rajin balik ni
Saturday, 22 November 2008
will be of to Lumut, Perak for around 4 days this Monday.
ado project kat sana.
safety helmet...cek
safety boot ... cek
glove ----- alamak... kena gi beli jap lagi. kang abih melecet tangan nak pasang cable2 jadah tu
apa lagi eeeeek.
TOOLS! ---- maleh nya nak gi office. tapi kang takkan nak beli.. bazir aje
ado project kat sana.
safety helmet...cek
safety boot ... cek
glove ----- alamak... kena gi beli jap lagi. kang abih melecet tangan nak pasang cable2 jadah tu
apa lagi eeeeek.
TOOLS! ---- maleh nya nak gi office. tapi kang takkan nak beli.. bazir aje
Monday, 10 November 2008
Saturday, 8 November 2008
STG week 1
STG== Stitching To-gather Gather
Anjuran: sewing group @
My STG for this week
Title: Bathroom Sampler
would be great if i can finish up this WIP tonight! can move on to another WIP..yea yea.. too many WIP :D
the chart
Current progress
Anjuran: sewing group @
My STG for this week
Title: Bathroom Sampler
would be great if i can finish up this WIP tonight! can move on to another WIP..yea yea.. too many WIP :D
the chart
Current progress
One Will Never Do
Kit from Dimension (ordered online)
Start stitching masa balik cuti hari raya puasa
Start stitching masa balik cuti hari raya puasa
Friday, 31 October 2008
SignalWAVe interface problem
Problem: Cannot connect / communicate from Host PC to SignalWAVe DSP/FPGA board through Ethernet port.
1) Check subnet mask to be match between both port.
in my case, the subnet in the board was set to
i set the subnet for PC as (standard setting)
how to check what is the IP and subnet mask for the board?
i) open SMShell (Application/Program/Lyrtech/SMShell)
ii) make a connection using parallel port from PC to the board.
iii) type smdetect and enter
iv) type ip
this command will list down the current ip address for the board
iv) type submask
this will list down the current subnet address
2) Ethernet port IP address for host PC should be set to a higher number than the rest of boards IP address.
e.g. the board IP address
PC IP address should be at least
since the boards can be connected in 2 ways, 1 using ethernet and another is using the parallel (rs232).
while troubleshooting the communication problem using ethernet i tried to run a program using parallel port. my goodness... since the baud rate is 9600 only.. the program was sooooooo slow.. and hanged.
thats why been trying my best to troubleshoot it.
the supplier advice me to disable firewall in an attempt to eliminate cause of problem.
today is my 2nd day troubleshooting..alhamdulillah... finally manage to solve it.
now need to move to programming part.
i just realise that we were only taught halfway on using the board. up to hardware co-simulation. nothing on transferring the program into the dsp or fpga.
now need to do some more reading.
1) Check subnet mask to be match between both port.
in my case, the subnet in the board was set to
i set the subnet for PC as (standard setting)
how to check what is the IP and subnet mask for the board?
i) open SMShell (Application/Program/Lyrtech/SMShell)
ii) make a connection using parallel port from PC to the board.
iii) type smdetect and enter
iv) type ip
this command will list down the current ip address for the board
iv) type submask
this will list down the current subnet address
2) Ethernet port IP address for host PC should be set to a higher number than the rest of boards IP address.
e.g. the board IP address
PC IP address should be at least
since the boards can be connected in 2 ways, 1 using ethernet and another is using the parallel (rs232).
while troubleshooting the communication problem using ethernet i tried to run a program using parallel port. my goodness... since the baud rate is 9600 only.. the program was sooooooo slow.. and hanged.
thats why been trying my best to troubleshoot it.
the supplier advice me to disable firewall in an attempt to eliminate cause of problem.
today is my 2nd day troubleshooting..alhamdulillah... finally manage to solve it.
now need to move to programming part.
i just realise that we were only taught halfway on using the board. up to hardware co-simulation. nothing on transferring the program into the dsp or fpga.
now need to do some more reading.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
What a day...
huh.. tadi on the way nak ke Giant, Gombak..untuk membeli beras nasi impit. preparation utk jamuan next week. yours truly ngan kak noni in charge nasi impit, kuah kacang n roti jala...
baru jee kluar dari campus.. lepas tol gombak.. ketung ketang bunyi nya
masa tu kami ni dah musykil... o' o.. apakah itu
drive je lagi..laju plak tu ...60km/jam
pehtu ada driver kancil hon hon.. yg lady cakap bla2 something..tak dengar la dia cakap apa. tapi since dia org horn horn..for sure something important. dah la tadi bunyi ketung ketang tetiba.
brenti terus tepi jalan.. isk.. jalan tu dah ler smua kreta laju.. depan lam 500m ada exit ke Greenwood. kira kat lane tepi memang bas n kenderaan besar lalu woooooooooh. kecut perut.
kluar2..nampak la tayar belakang alek kanan (dirver) sudah pancit. huhuhuhuhuuhu.
relak..relak. bukak bonet.. humban2 barang2 ke seat belakang.. cari tayar spare nak cek ada ke tak tayar spare...hehehe..teruk betul perangai. alhamdulillah.. ada tayarnya.. angin je dah kurang.
amik bende alah yg nak jack kreta. kak noni trus tanya..
'dah penah tukar tayar ke?'
'err...tak penah'
hihihi...konfiden je nak tukar tayar sendiri.
memikirkan tuan ni pakai kebaya labuh..kain belah pulak tuh...kenseeeeeeeeeeeel.
call no. talian pertolongan insuran kreta. baru je lepas renew insuran. cik abang tukar plak tu insuran company..dari Kurnia dia tukar ke Tokio Moda (something like that laaaaaa)..(pembetulan.. TOKIO MARINE).. call2 nombor...takde org angkat.. hampeh.
balik kang memang nak kena bazooka la cik abang ni..muahahahhaha.
call anak buah kat opis mintak datang tolong tukar tayar.
dia pon on the way.
letak je talipon. ada kreta putih brenti..
pomen kreta rupanya.. dia tanya mau tukar tayar ke..
ON je la terus. tak kosa la eh.
tup tap tup tap .. dia isikan angin tayar spare yg memang kurang anign tuh..dah setel baru tanya rega.. ahah...teruk la aku ni patut masa awal2 tanya dulu rega... kini aku pasraaaaaaaaaaaaah...
pehtu drive ke worksop kat Greenwood. something fishy laaaaaaaaa... penuh keta wooooooooooo kat workshop tuuuh. tgh2 hari...banyak pulak kreta pancit.
ada satu kreta tuh ..siap ada screwdriver lam tayar.. baru plak tuh menatang tuh..berkilat lagi..verry fishy!
org worksop kata takbleh tampal itu tayar..melayang lagi rm125..
cabaran hari ini
baru jee kluar dari campus.. lepas tol gombak.. ketung ketang bunyi nya
masa tu kami ni dah musykil... o' o.. apakah itu
drive je lagi..laju plak tu ...60km/jam
pehtu ada driver kancil hon hon.. yg lady cakap bla2 something..tak dengar la dia cakap apa. tapi since dia org horn horn..for sure something important. dah la tadi bunyi ketung ketang tetiba.
brenti terus tepi jalan.. isk.. jalan tu dah ler smua kreta laju.. depan lam 500m ada exit ke Greenwood. kira kat lane tepi memang bas n kenderaan besar lalu woooooooooh. kecut perut.
kluar2..nampak la tayar belakang alek kanan (dirver) sudah pancit. huhuhuhuhuuhu.
relak..relak. bukak bonet.. humban2 barang2 ke seat belakang.. cari tayar spare nak cek ada ke tak tayar spare...hehehe..teruk betul perangai. alhamdulillah.. ada tayarnya.. angin je dah kurang.
amik bende alah yg nak jack kreta. kak noni trus tanya..
'dah penah tukar tayar ke?'
'err...tak penah'
hihihi...konfiden je nak tukar tayar sendiri.
memikirkan tuan ni pakai kebaya labuh..kain belah pulak tuh...kenseeeeeeeeeeeel.
call no. talian pertolongan insuran kreta. baru je lepas renew insuran. cik abang tukar plak tu insuran company..dari Kurnia dia tukar ke Tokio Moda (something like that laaaaaa)..(pembetulan.. TOKIO MARINE).. call2 nombor...takde org angkat.. hampeh.
balik kang memang nak kena bazooka la cik abang ni..muahahahhaha.
call anak buah kat opis mintak datang tolong tukar tayar.
dia pon on the way.
letak je talipon. ada kreta putih brenti..
pomen kreta rupanya.. dia tanya mau tukar tayar ke..
ON je la terus. tak kosa la eh.
tup tap tup tap .. dia isikan angin tayar spare yg memang kurang anign tuh..dah setel baru tanya rega.. ahah...teruk la aku ni patut masa awal2 tanya dulu rega... kini aku pasraaaaaaaaaaaaah...
pehtu drive ke worksop kat Greenwood. something fishy laaaaaaaaa... penuh keta wooooooooooo kat workshop tuuuh. tgh2 hari...banyak pulak kreta pancit.
ada satu kreta tuh ..siap ada screwdriver lam tayar.. baru plak tuh menatang tuh..berkilat lagi..verry fishy!
org worksop kata takbleh tampal itu tayar..melayang lagi rm125..
cabaran hari ini
Friday, 17 October 2008
whats in my mind right now?
kejap lagi ada jamuan hari raya ni kat opis.. nak pegi ke tak..nak pegi ke tak
sure ramai orang. cam bosan la plak nak berebut2 makanan tu.
tolong 2 student ni setup TI Digital Media Development Board. dia org nak tengok macam mana camera NTSC tu function. pup pap pup pap setup...sib baik ler jadik. almaklumla.. last time pakai bulan 7 2008. tu pun masa training.
skang ni... nak kena tolong dia org.. carik apa line code yg nak kena include dalam programming. tolong je la selagi boleh. siap cakap lagi kat student tu..
'Eh..if i able to help u with this..i'm entitle for phd as well laaaa :P'
dia gelak je.. keh keh keh
dah abis yg tu..terus pegi ke sorang lagi student.. dia org ni pakai board lain pulak..
dari hari tu lagi dia org dok tanya n complaint yg dia org try run realtime program tapi board tu cam tak respond. alahai..satu lagi godek2 an kena buat.. minggu depan nak kena setel gak nih. sebab dia org ada lam 2 minggu je lagi nak kena siapkan project tu. kesian la pulak.
tambah haru biru.. maso training aku blajar pakai simulink block. yg dia org plak program pakai Xilinx blockset. aiyo.. boring gila blockset xilinx tu..tak menarik langsung.
tu pun nak kena tanya consultant nih..bleh je ke guna setting yg sama masa setting guna simulink blockset.. rasa cam boleh je.
fuuuuhhhh... tu baru 2 jenis DSP board. ado satu lagi.(yg ke 3 la ni)..err...yg tu sangkut kejap... lagi tak best yg satu lagi sebab tak bleh buat through MATLAB.
pastu satu lagi (yg ke 4)... yg ni langsung tak attend training. memana student nak pakai board yg ni... pepandai korang laaa baca user manual dia.. hek hek hek.. sebenarnya lega sket..sebab tak gi training..bleh buat excuse...
buruk tol prangai.
2 board ni je la dok berlegar lam kepala skang. time drive..time makan..sib baik tak masuk lam mimpi.
isk..baru tolong2... kalo sambung master or phd..tak dapat ku bayangkan...
sure ramai orang. cam bosan la plak nak berebut2 makanan tu.
tolong 2 student ni setup TI Digital Media Development Board. dia org nak tengok macam mana camera NTSC tu function. pup pap pup pap setup...sib baik ler jadik. almaklumla.. last time pakai bulan 7 2008. tu pun masa training.
skang ni... nak kena tolong dia org.. carik apa line code yg nak kena include dalam programming. tolong je la selagi boleh. siap cakap lagi kat student tu..
'Eh..if i able to help u with this..i'm entitle for phd as well laaaa :P'
dia gelak je.. keh keh keh
dah abis yg tu..terus pegi ke sorang lagi student.. dia org ni pakai board lain pulak..
dari hari tu lagi dia org dok tanya n complaint yg dia org try run realtime program tapi board tu cam tak respond. alahai..satu lagi godek2 an kena buat.. minggu depan nak kena setel gak nih. sebab dia org ada lam 2 minggu je lagi nak kena siapkan project tu. kesian la pulak.
tambah haru biru.. maso training aku blajar pakai simulink block. yg dia org plak program pakai Xilinx blockset. aiyo.. boring gila blockset xilinx tu..tak menarik langsung.
tu pun nak kena tanya consultant nih..bleh je ke guna setting yg sama masa setting guna simulink blockset.. rasa cam boleh je.
fuuuuhhhh... tu baru 2 jenis DSP board. ado satu lagi.(yg ke 3 la ni)..err...yg tu sangkut kejap... lagi tak best yg satu lagi sebab tak bleh buat through MATLAB.
pastu satu lagi (yg ke 4)... yg ni langsung tak attend training. memana student nak pakai board yg ni... pepandai korang laaa baca user manual dia.. hek hek hek.. sebenarnya lega sket..sebab tak gi training..bleh buat excuse...
buruk tol prangai.
2 board ni je la dok berlegar lam kepala skang. time drive..time makan..sib baik tak masuk lam mimpi.
isk..baru tolong2... kalo sambung master or phd..tak dapat ku bayangkan...
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Fav. quote
"Mak bila nak kluar baby ni? tak gemuk2 pun lagi"
"Mak bila nak kluar baby ni? tak gemuk2 pun lagi"
adeh...adeh...pressure cam nak mengandung anak sulong laa
Monday, 13 October 2008
Sayang mana satu?
"Mak ni slalu sayang adik je. gambar adik je kat computer ni"
(kes maknya asyik pakai avatar gambar adik)
"Mak ni slalu sayang adik je. gambar adik je kat computer ni"
(kes maknya asyik pakai avatar gambar adik)
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Lawak la tu
Lokasi: kampung kat kelantan
Masa: Aidilfitri 2008
"Adik.. adik... nak dengar cerita tak?"
"Cerita apa?"
"Adik tepuk tangan dulu."
Adik pun tepuk la tangan dia
"Yey...cerita dah habis...tamat"
Adik --- nangis
kesian adik. kakak nak kena ni...
Masa: Aidilfitri 2008
"Adik.. adik... nak dengar cerita tak?"
"Cerita apa?"
"Adik tepuk tangan dulu."
Adik pun tepuk la tangan dia
"Yey...cerita dah habis...tamat"
Adik --- nangis
kesian adik. kakak nak kena ni...
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
random action
" eh..semalam saya balik keje..dia tgh mengaji...solehah betul. Hari ni pakai seksi plak. esok kang apa pulak nak dibuat nya tu"
*takde seksi mana la.. pakai dress (kakak punya tapi besar..mak yg dapat :P)
hmmm.. hari ni nak buat apa pulak eeeeeeeeeeeek.....
" eh..semalam saya balik keje..dia tgh mengaji...solehah betul. Hari ni pakai seksi plak. esok kang apa pulak nak dibuat nya tu"
*takde seksi mana la.. pakai dress (kakak punya tapi besar..mak yg dapat :P)
hmmm.. hari ni nak buat apa pulak eeeeeeeeeeeek.....
Friday, 26 September 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Mamma Mia! The Movie is FANTASTIC!

watched the Premiere Screenings of Mamma Mia last night with my daughter. courtesy from Nuffnang. thank you.
the movie was fantastic! best gila!
Non- stop Abba songs with a brilliant story play. all the song fit into the storyline.
Meryl Streep truly is a talented actress. and man she can sing! she can even sing with a proper emotion for the songs. nice voice too.
aha. if u want to watch Mr. x Bond singing (that Pierce Brosnan), go watch this movie. although the first song he sang not that good (look like he tries so hard in singing) but the later song was not that bad.
an enjoyable movie. feel like want to sing along with it.
like it. like it. like it.
p/s: Farah.. ko kene bawak mak ko tengok movie ni.

Monday, 22 September 2008
There is still some hope for Mak
Its been a year since my Mak had her stroke. it caused the right side of her body paralyzed and she could not pronounce words correctly. it a bit frustrating for her not be able to communicate with us. To motivate her, i explained about stroke to her as much as i know. telling her she might lost or not be able to do what she normally do but she can train her body back to do all that stuff again.
she did managed to fast during ramadhan last year.. and this year too.
she recovered slowly. from lying down on mattress she was able to sit up by herself. she is a very courages lady. when she was staying with my sister last December she managed to walk using a cane and a month later she was able to walk in short distance without any assistance.
she still needs to use cane for long distance walk though and it seem to tiring her but she won't have you holding her hand! quite stubborn too.
her words still quite jibberish and we need to guess what she meant.
Mak has been here (in KL) during Ramadhan this year. staying with my brother. she came to stay with me for 2 days on Saturday.
Yesterday, i was reading Quran besides her. was reading suratul -Baqarah. I left the tv on for Mak. While Mak was well she normally Khatam Quran during 1 month of Ramadhan.
towards the end of Al-Baqarah, i make a mistake in pronouncing the verse. and she CORRECTED me!
Masya-Allah. I thank you Allah for not taking her Quran memory away from her. seems that she memorized the surah. and her pronounciation was correct too.
quite a happy day for me.
she did managed to fast during ramadhan last year.. and this year too.
she recovered slowly. from lying down on mattress she was able to sit up by herself. she is a very courages lady. when she was staying with my sister last December she managed to walk using a cane and a month later she was able to walk in short distance without any assistance.
she still needs to use cane for long distance walk though and it seem to tiring her but she won't have you holding her hand! quite stubborn too.
her words still quite jibberish and we need to guess what she meant.
Mak has been here (in KL) during Ramadhan this year. staying with my brother. she came to stay with me for 2 days on Saturday.
Yesterday, i was reading Quran besides her. was reading suratul -Baqarah. I left the tv on for Mak. While Mak was well she normally Khatam Quran during 1 month of Ramadhan.
towards the end of Al-Baqarah, i make a mistake in pronouncing the verse. and she CORRECTED me!
Masya-Allah. I thank you Allah for not taking her Quran memory away from her. seems that she memorized the surah. and her pronounciation was correct too.
quite a happy day for me.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Mama Mia the movie part 2
got free ticket to watch it this monday!
will be watching it with kakak
need to device a plan on how both of us can leave home without adik noticing.
'going to clinic' excuse again ah? hmmm... kind of macam doa utk mintak sakit pulak kan.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Raya preparation
dah start preparation for raya?
mine ah, this year tahun jimat cermat. sebab cik abang tu tak dapat2 lagi bonus nya..tah bila nak dapat bonus. keje macam nak rak.
1) langsir -- tak tukar, belasah aje
2) baju raya --- utk satu family -- setel
3) biskut raya -- kat opis ni ramai org jual biskut raya. pantang jumpa nampak sedap sket terus order. sampai dah lost track brape jenis biskut yg di order. pengsan nanti bila nak membayar.
4) home made -- plan nak buat 2 ke 3 jenis biskut..tapi disebabkan item (3) tu cam banyak ..biskut sendiri pending lah.
5) kitchen cabinet -- ujung tahun lah
6) cat rumah -- cik abang nampak tak berapa rajin...ekekekek. kena cat dah ni.. dah 3 tahun dah rumah nih.
7) duit raya! -- alahai..lom tukar lagi. 2 minggu lepas panic kejap sebab lupa masuk duit raya lam bajet.
mine ah, this year tahun jimat cermat. sebab cik abang tu tak dapat2 lagi bonus nya..tah bila nak dapat bonus. keje macam nak rak.
1) langsir -- tak tukar, belasah aje
2) baju raya --- utk satu family -- setel
3) biskut raya -- kat opis ni ramai org jual biskut raya. pantang jumpa nampak sedap sket terus order. sampai dah lost track brape jenis biskut yg di order. pengsan nanti bila nak membayar.
4) home made -- plan nak buat 2 ke 3 jenis biskut..tapi disebabkan item (3) tu cam banyak ..biskut sendiri pending lah.
5) kitchen cabinet -- ujung tahun lah
6) cat rumah -- cik abang nampak tak berapa rajin...ekekekek. kena cat dah ni.. dah 3 tahun dah rumah nih.
7) duit raya! -- alahai..lom tukar lagi. 2 minggu lepas panic kejap sebab lupa masuk duit raya lam bajet.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Pernah hilang anak tak??
pernah ada pengalaman hilang anak tak?
ni pengalaman yg tak nak dialami ni... syuhh jauh2.
its happen during Merdeka Parade at Dataran Merdeka on the Merdeka day.
(peraduan bilang berapa banyak 'Merdeka' muncul di atas :P )
bila terjadi?
masa dah kat ujung perarakan dah. time last2 skali yg dia org dok kibar bendera kaler2 tuh.
before penghabisan , cik abang bawak adik + kakak ke tempat yg dekat sikit utk tengok dengan jelas perarakan. mak nya.. duduk kat kaki lima. malas tul nak berdiri tegang2 leher. duduk kat situ bleh nampak kat tv besor. kalo jet lalu pom bleh nampak gak just dongak je.
macam mana terjadi? (aiseh..macam 5W 1H la pulak)
dah habis ramai berderu2 la jalan ke arah mak nya ni.. dia org nak ke LRT station. then nampak la kakak datang...nampak ayah... BUT mana adik???
rasa cam nak luruh jantung! nak pitam pon ada!
dah la budak tu kecik ramai woooooooooooo... camano nak cari?
cik abang nampak dah cuak dah..
suddenly rasa menyesal dek kemalasan diri utk ikut dia org tadi..
then ..pegang kakak kemas2..sambil membebel kat kakak kenapa tak pegang tangan adik...
tunggu abt 2-3 minit...mulut tak abes membebel lagi nih.. air mata nak kluar dah...
cik abang pon sampai ngan adik
apa lagi
terus terkam adik laaaaaaaaaaaa... tanya dia pegi mana..apsal tak pegang tangan ayah..
menangis pulak budak tu..ingat org marah dia..dah le dia ketakutan..
alhamdulillah laaaaaaaaaa jumpa dia.. kecik cinonet lak tu.
tahun depan tak tau la nak pegi lagi ke tak.. kalo pegi..mau beli tali ikat tangan budak2 nih kat pinggang kita :(
ni pengalaman yg tak nak dialami ni... syuhh jauh2.
its happen during Merdeka Parade at Dataran Merdeka on the Merdeka day.
(peraduan bilang berapa banyak 'Merdeka' muncul di atas :P )
bila terjadi?
masa dah kat ujung perarakan dah. time last2 skali yg dia org dok kibar bendera kaler2 tuh.
before penghabisan , cik abang bawak adik + kakak ke tempat yg dekat sikit utk tengok dengan jelas perarakan. mak nya.. duduk kat kaki lima. malas tul nak berdiri tegang2 leher. duduk kat situ bleh nampak kat tv besor. kalo jet lalu pom bleh nampak gak just dongak je.
macam mana terjadi? (aiseh..macam 5W 1H la pulak)
dah habis ramai berderu2 la jalan ke arah mak nya ni.. dia org nak ke LRT station. then nampak la kakak datang...nampak ayah... BUT mana adik???
rasa cam nak luruh jantung! nak pitam pon ada!
dah la budak tu kecik ramai woooooooooooo... camano nak cari?
cik abang nampak dah cuak dah..
suddenly rasa menyesal dek kemalasan diri utk ikut dia org tadi..
then ..pegang kakak kemas2..sambil membebel kat kakak kenapa tak pegang tangan adik...
tunggu abt 2-3 minit...mulut tak abes membebel lagi nih.. air mata nak kluar dah...
cik abang pon sampai ngan adik
apa lagi
terus terkam adik laaaaaaaaaaaa... tanya dia pegi mana..apsal tak pegang tangan ayah..
menangis pulak budak tu..ingat org marah dia..dah le dia ketakutan..
alhamdulillah laaaaaaaaaa jumpa dia.. kecik cinonet lak tu.
tahun depan tak tau la nak pegi lagi ke tak.. kalo pegi..mau beli tali ikat tangan budak2 nih kat pinggang kita :(
Thursday, 28 August 2008
outstation: Port Dickson
will be off to Port Dickson in 30 minutes time. (sempat lagi tu post blog :P)
just finish doing some phone calls to lots of people due to urgent task yesterday afternoon. semput gila! got to submit the report by Friday next week. as i'll be out station until saturday, public holiday on Monday. be back in office on Tuesday. soooo.... i only have Tuesday + Wednesday + half of Friday to work on the task. sakit...sakit...
other staff will leave at 2pm but i have to leave earlier as i am one of the programme committee. kind of bidang terjun sebab ganti org last minute pagi semalam. hahahhahaha
just finish doing some phone calls to lots of people due to urgent task yesterday afternoon. semput gila! got to submit the report by Friday next week. as i'll be out station until saturday, public holiday on Monday. be back in office on Tuesday. soooo.... i only have Tuesday + Wednesday + half of Friday to work on the task. sakit...sakit...
other staff will leave at 2pm but i have to leave earlier as i am one of the programme committee. kind of bidang terjun sebab ganti org last minute pagi semalam. hahahhahaha
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Mamma Mia! The Movie
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Review: Susuk

watch this last night. at first i tried to convince hubby to watch it on Sunday. his usual reply
"what for watching malay movie... just wait for hari raya. for sure they will air it that time"
i dont normally watch malay movie at cinema. don't know why this time teringin sangat nak watch this movie.
then yesterday after office hour, i went to cineleisure and bought 1 ticket to watch it. since hubby mentioned earlier that he'll be late (got to submit TC).
after getting the ticket. i call him to inform that i'll be late as well...end up he is actually on the way home.
so..apa lagi.. pujuk2 soh teman me tgh citer seram tu jugak la. ehehehehe... (ada hati tu nak tengok citer seram sorang2...hak hak tak percaya je)
cepat2 gi beli tiket satu lagi. sib baik laa ada lagi tiketnya.. hek... sebaris tu pon kosong lagi :D
ehem. saya memang penakut tengok citer2 serem nih..ha ha ha. sampai hubby naik fed up. sikit2 tutup muka ngan tangan. kikikiki. buang duit je kata dia. baik tengok Dark Nite skali lagi. hampeh.
about the movie
story line dia lain dari malay movie nyer genre.
banyak flashback that you would not realise until the end of the movie. bila dah ends baru la terperasan. oooooooooooo.. masa diana rafar nyer watak is a flashback rupanyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i like this movie!
sebab kena pikir2 sket bila movie dah abes.
Bowling anyone?
long overdue posting on bowling :P
i joined a bowling tournament organised by IIUM library on 9th August at Endah Parade (cannot remember what the bowling centre name is).
mind you. i was imported into the team...The Senorita.
u will think that i am so good at bowling
one more time
i only bowl once a year OK
there are 2 match. Double and a team of four bowlers.
during double...4 games..aiyooooh... so proud to announce....
i manage to take down the lowest number of pins in total...
u will feel pity to the team that import me right?
i think they did! hehe
tebus maruah
during team event..another 4 games.. by the time we reach the 3rd game .. my fingers feel numb already.
i did help the team on the last game though... manage to take down 141 pins.
mind u
during team event i did manage to take down more than 100 pins on each game. ehem..ehem. not bad at all ...except for the double event :P
we WON 3rd place for team event. the prize.. RM25 each... ihiks
i joined a bowling tournament organised by IIUM library on 9th August at Endah Parade (cannot remember what the bowling centre name is).
mind you. i was imported into the team...The Senorita.
u will think that i am so good at bowling
one more time
i only bowl once a year OK
there are 2 match. Double and a team of four bowlers.
during double...4 games..aiyooooh... so proud to announce....
i manage to take down the lowest number of pins in total...
u will feel pity to the team that import me right?
i think they did! hehe
tebus maruah
during team event..another 4 games.. by the time we reach the 3rd game .. my fingers feel numb already.
i did help the team on the last game though... manage to take down 141 pins.
mind u
during team event i did manage to take down more than 100 pins on each game. ehem..ehem. not bad at all ...except for the double event :P
we WON 3rd place for team event. the prize.. RM25 each... ihiks
Friday, 8 August 2008
Happy birthday Adik! 080808


today is Adik 5th birthday
cantik betul tarikh birthday tahun ni :)
this cake is for her nursery
last weekend while shopping we asked her to choose which cake she would like and she chose a small cake with flower deco
then this morning (before she has a chance to look at her cake), she complained that if we did bought that small cake she chose it might not sufficient
"tak cukup nanti kawan2 adik nak makan"
then i show her the cake we bought
she does not know the size of it as its in a box
baru la senyum lebar
cantik betul tarikh birthday tahun ni :)
this cake is for her nursery
last weekend while shopping we asked her to choose which cake she would like and she chose a small cake with flower deco
then this morning (before she has a chance to look at her cake), she complained that if we did bought that small cake she chose it might not sufficient
"tak cukup nanti kawan2 adik nak makan"
then i show her the cake we bought
she does not know the size of it as its in a box
baru la senyum lebar
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Kreativ Blogger Award
I got this award from Mus. TQ for the award though my blog ni tak seberapa sangat.
Here's the rules :
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
The award goes to :
-not nominating anyone..buleh?
-not nominating anyone..buleh?
Friday, 1 August 2008
Photos: Jogjakarta
Jogjakarta seems to be a nice clean city. minus the smell of horses in some place of course. mode of transport for tourist is 'beca' and horse carriage. we only try riding the horse carriage once as we could not stand the smell.
We mostly took 'beca'. we are suppose to be exercising while shopping (carrying all the bags and purchase items). but then... with the 'beca' service...suddenly came sooo lazy. as it is rather cheap compared to what will happen to our hands carrying the heavy begs. their charges varried..some asked for 5000 rupiah, 10000rupiah...depends on the distance of journey.
since we ride in hour shopping bags we normally paid more laa.. kesian wooooooooo..penat orang tu kayuh beca.
the funny things is.. Kota Bharu also got 'beca' but how come i never ride one? humm..must try la latter on.
On Monday morning we went to this Istana Keraton..apparently jogja still have their King and he still leave in the istana. The public have access to certain area only such as their ceremony hall. We went there at 8am then found out it only open from 9.30am.
isk.. couldn't wait that long ..still got lots of shopping to do as we have to check out of the hotel @ 12pm and travel back to Solo.
in the end i only snap this one lousy photo in front of the palace entrance.
riding back to Jln Malioboro.. with beca of course.
in Jogja n solo.. every 4 junction road have a monument. as u can see in the photo.
then at 1pm we depart to Solo. but stop first for lunch ..nasi padang..
arrived in Solo at 3.45pm and was inform by the hotel potter that the Klewer market closed @ 4pm. Darn. previously some one else inform us it is closed at 6pm.
we plan to rehat first. but with the news. apa lagi.. trus lock hotel room and took a beca ride to the market.

pengayuh beca tu selamba je jalan ikut one way street. IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION!
kita org dok asik menjerit je (menjerit slow2 laa)
mana taknya.. motor laju2 dok datang ke arah kami...
pehtu dia org belok nak elak kami
huhuhuh..terasa angin laju2 tu.
nak kata horror ride tak jugak
seronok ada la..hehehehe
apparently kalo naik beca jadi cam raja jalan la weh. tak de sapa marah..dia org bagi jalan ada laaaa
ok. tu aja experience. kalo tanya setiap sorang yg join travel ni..for sure dia org jawab ni la
best nya kalo bleh naik beca dari Masjid Jamek ke Jalan TAR :)
We mostly took 'beca'. we are suppose to be exercising while shopping (carrying all the bags and purchase items). but then... with the 'beca' service...suddenly came sooo lazy. as it is rather cheap compared to what will happen to our hands carrying the heavy begs. their charges varried..some asked for 5000 rupiah, 10000rupiah...depends on the distance of journey.
since we ride in hour shopping bags we normally paid more laa.. kesian wooooooooo..penat orang tu kayuh beca.
the funny things is.. Kota Bharu also got 'beca' but how come i never ride one? humm..must try la latter on.

isk.. couldn't wait that long ..still got lots of shopping to do as we have to check out of the hotel @ 12pm and travel back to Solo.
in the end i only snap this one lousy photo in front of the palace entrance.

in Jogja n solo.. every 4 junction road have a monument. as u can see in the photo.
then at 1pm we depart to Solo. but stop first for lunch ..nasi padang..
arrived in Solo at 3.45pm and was inform by the hotel potter that the Klewer market closed @ 4pm. Darn. previously some one else inform us it is closed at 6pm.
we plan to rehat first. but with the news. apa lagi.. trus lock hotel room and took a beca ride to the market.

pengayuh beca tu selamba je jalan ikut one way street. IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION!
kita org dok asik menjerit je (menjerit slow2 laa)
mana taknya.. motor laju2 dok datang ke arah kami...
pehtu dia org belok nak elak kami
huhuhuh..terasa angin laju2 tu.
nak kata horror ride tak jugak
seronok ada la..hehehehe
apparently kalo naik beca jadi cam raja jalan la weh. tak de sapa marah..dia org bagi jalan ada laaaa
ok. tu aja experience. kalo tanya setiap sorang yg join travel ni..for sure dia org jawab ni la
best nya kalo bleh naik beca dari Masjid Jamek ke Jalan TAR :)
Photos: Candi Borobudur

one of the many sourvenir shop

The entrance to candi


the pathway






another one with Mount Merapi in the background


Trip to Solo n Jogjakarta
I went to Jogjakarta on Sunday (27 July) and came back here on the 29th.
we flew with Airasia from LCCT to Solo airport and from there to Jogja by coach.
The trip was intended for shopping only but we did drop by at Candi Borubudur and track back to jogja city. as the travel agent mention that we will be staying at 2 * hotel we were quite surprised finding out that the hotel is not bad at all. very comfortable indeed. except for food. the hotel served java food for dinner n breakfast. not my taste.
we flew with Airasia from LCCT to Solo airport and from there to Jogja by coach.
The trip was intended for shopping only but we did drop by at Candi Borubudur and track back to jogja city. as the travel agent mention that we will be staying at 2 * hotel we were quite surprised finding out that the hotel is not bad at all. very comfortable indeed. except for food. the hotel served java food for dinner n breakfast. not my taste.


Solo - Mount Merapi in the background. it still active...smoke coming out continously


Friday, 25 July 2008
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Break in!
this morning, when i was just about to my first suap of breakfast. i got phone call from office (around 8.45am). break in at one of the lab under my in charge. terus hilang selera makan. jalan ke lab tu tengok keadaan. 14 desktop in the labs gone! almost nak pitam rasanya.
then went to meet bosses (kat sini ramai bos). to inform the situation. makan breakfast tadi cepat2 able to ate 1/2 of it.
11.30 my staff n me went to police station to submit a report. 2.30pm finish giving our statement. lapar gila! went to the cafe and order lunch. 3pm lunch datang. makan 2 mulut dapat phone call from staff cakap police dah sampai kat crime scene. aiyaaaaaaaaaaa.
nak abiskan makan ke tak..
huuuuum. end up i letak the plate kat cafe tu balik cakap nanti datang balik nak finish up the food.
now... nearly 4.50pm... baru setel pasal lab tu.. cafe tu pun musti dah tutup.
memang hari ni Allah tarik rezeki saya laaaaaaaaaaa... lapaaaaaaaar lagi ni :(
then went to meet bosses (kat sini ramai bos). to inform the situation. makan breakfast tadi cepat2 able to ate 1/2 of it.
11.30 my staff n me went to police station to submit a report. 2.30pm finish giving our statement. lapar gila! went to the cafe and order lunch. 3pm lunch datang. makan 2 mulut dapat phone call from staff cakap police dah sampai kat crime scene. aiyaaaaaaaaaaa.
nak abiskan makan ke tak..
huuuuum. end up i letak the plate kat cafe tu balik cakap nanti datang balik nak finish up the food.
now... nearly 4.50pm... baru setel pasal lab tu.. cafe tu pun musti dah tutup.
memang hari ni Allah tarik rezeki saya laaaaaaaaaaa... lapaaaaaaaar lagi ni :(
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Review: Hellboy 2

kind of funny as the first movie was titled as 'Super Sapiens' (for malaysia market).
the 2nd movie ..tup2 came out as Hellboy. waaaa... guess the filtering guy has a soft spot this time.
watched it last weekend.
the movie failed to impress us. no 'woaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!' there. they are still using the lady ability creating massive fire to kill creatures instantly. thats it. nothing new. the dark night. but i think we have to pass or postpone watching this movie as we will be going back to hubby hometown this weekend. ( i predict we are going to his hometown as he has yet to confirm this trip)
Tuesday, 15 July 2008

finally i was able to watch this movie yesterday!
the movie was awesome! among movies that i can watch hundreds of time. boleh masuk my fav. movie list nih. wont write much on the movie as it kind of old already.
how am i able to watch it yesterday? blame it on the heavy traffic jam.
i went to Glenmarie for some project i am working on. normally it will take max. 30 minutes to reach the place. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut yesterday it took 1.5 hours. crazy. kind of sleepy already when i reach the project office.
then 1 hour later found out that there is nothing to do over there. gila laaaaaaa. meaning i have to go through all that traffic jam all over again to Gombak!
fed up already. call the PA telling her i'm taking emergency leave because of this craziness.
end up watching 'Wanted' ...teheheheheheh
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Review: Hancock

watch this movie last night. courtesy from Nuffnang. thanks for the free tickets :)
though its the second time i watch it. we went to watch it last saturday as he feels a bit jealous i got to watch it for free on Monday and he couldn't tag along. ha ha
what i love about the movie? the soundtrack!
need to find out what is the title of that intro song with lyrics of 'get out the way' ... cam best je lagu tu
Today i found out that Nuffnang actually gave out freebies too last night.
i arrived around kind of in a rush to collect the ticket.tak de nampak pom freebies, probably dah habis la. sapa suruh sampai lambat
Friday, 4 July 2008
Sitching kits

he he he
i just received parcel for my stitching kits purchased online.
wa wa wa
its a small design (3 of it). hopefully can finish stitching each of it within a month (lama tuuuuuuuu)
another one is the wedding chart. quite big as the design area is 8" x 14" (using 14 ct aida)
this wedding design will be suitable for gifts. aaaaaaaa... anyone of u is getting married this year??
wa wa wa
its a small design (3 of it). hopefully can finish stitching each of it within a month (lama tuuuuuuuu)
another one is the wedding chart. quite big as the design area is 8" x 14" (using 14 ct aida)
this wedding design will be suitable for gifts. aaaaaaaa... anyone of u is getting married this year??
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Cheese cake cuppies
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
got 2 free tickets courtesy from Nuffnang. thank you!
aaa... anybody want to teman me for the movie? this monday the 7th.
as hubby for sure cannot teman me laaa... who want to baby sit the kids.
got to find a date nih...
any volunteer?????
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Update: Pokok saya
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