
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Eliminating bad odour in your house - recycling effort course cara short cut adalah dengan membeli febreze :D
here is another option

ever heard of garbage enzyme? its actually a product from garbage fermentation.
ada banyak kegunaannya, which is:

1) me-nyah bau. dilute enzyme dgn air n isi dalam bekas spray. u can spray tong sampah yg berbau x best tu... litter kucing (instead of letak baking soda...powder can cause respiratory problem to your kitty). n kat mana2 la yg ada bau tak best.
2) pe-nyah serangga di kebun2. selamat compared to using racun kimia sintetik.

this link show tell you more about garbage eznyme n how to make it:
rules yg senang...

gula perang: sisa sayur n buah: air
campur n perap for 3 month. tapis n u get the enzyme. sisa tapisan tu bleh buat baja

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