baru tukar jadi career woman balik. so all those daily schedule dalam keadaan haywire sekarang.
working like a nomad plak tuh. though there is an available workdesk but it is not permanent place for me. jadi tak payah nak menyerabutkan diri utk meng decoratekan itu workspace. la bilik kat uia dulu tu decorate2 bagai pon. cam store gak jadi nya.
so for new workplace nih... it kind of save my trouble utk memikir kan keadaan bilik. he he
just grab a laptop beg n handbag n water bottle for daily task. n wait for superior to tell me where i should go on daily basis.
since i have successfully (bos blom review lagi keja..maybe kena touch up balik) siap task utk minggu ini. n pagi ni plak org lain smua kena attend meeting. which left me n another collegue kat contractor office. not receiving any email regarding keja.
here i am.. proscastinating dgn blog.